Bio-ReadyMix (colored), 2x

Category: Molecular Biology
Manufacturer: Bio-Lab
Cat# 959758026510
Bio-ReadyMix (colored). For easy, highly sensitive and specific PCR
biolab green small boxes
Ready-Mix kit contains all necessary reagents (excluding the template and primers) for efficient, optimized, specific and sensitive end-point PCR reaction. The PCR product can immediately be analyzed by an Agarose-gel electrophoresis and also could be purified by using PCR purification kit. 
Bio-ReadyMix Start (hot start) kit contains Hot-Start Taq polymerase to enable more specificity, accuracy and sensitivity of PCR reaction.

Storage and Stability: Store at -20°C
Packing:10x1 ml
Protocol: "ReadyMix protocol"

Bio-ReadyMix (colored) 10x1 ml