Bio-cDNA Synthesis Kit

Category: Molecular Biology
Manufacturer: Bio-Lab
Cat# 959758026210
Bio-cDNA Synthesis Kit
100 rxn of 20µl
For easy all in one cDNA synthesis kit

biolab green big small box
Bio-RT (M-MLV RT - Molony Murine Leukemia Virus Reverse Transcriptase) is an RNA-dependent recombinant DNA polymerase requiring a DNA primer and an RNA template to synthesize a complementary DNA strand. M-MLV RT has a weaker intrinsic RNase H activity than AMV RT (Avian Myeloblastosis Virus Reverse Transcriptase). Bio-cDNA synthesis kit is useful for 1st strand cDNA synthesis that may be used as a template for PCR and Real-Time PCR reactions.

Storage And Stability : Store at -20°C

Packing : 100 rxn of 20µl

Protocol : "Bio-cDNA synthesis kit protocol"



M-MLV H+ 200U/μl (Red)

100 μl

5x buffer (Blue)

500 μl

dNTPs 20mM (5mM each) (Pink)

250 μl

Anchored oligo dT primer (Gray)

100 μl

Random Hexamers primer (Brown)

100 μl

Enhancer solution x10 (Orange)

100 μl

RNase free ddH2O (Clear)

1.25 ml